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Store & Inventory

Store & Inventory Management software helps you automate your inventory, define it's criteria and set priorities of the products.

Store is an essential part of any manufacturing organization. The objective of a store is to smoothly and economically provide the right materials at the right time, and in the right condition.

Keeping a close eye on the level of inventory requirements is the key to smooth and uninterrupted functioning of any production department. Sound functioning of a production department improves the overall working of other vital interrelated departments.

Businesses strive to optimize their level of inventory management, but a very few really succeed in doing so. Planning Inventory levels require planning a lot more than one would think. Systematic and accurate recording of inventory movement at different stages result in better inventory tracking.

Our store module helps you meet your supply chain goals by achieving perfect order fulfillment and reduced operational (holding) cost. By generating detailed reports on various essential aspects of store management, it offers visibility into critical inventory levels.

Covers Detailed Inventory Areas:

  • Inventory status
  • Tracking of Inward Material rejected or Sent on RGP
  • Dept/Machine/Order/Shift wise issues
  • Purchase order tracking
  • Analysis of inventory and Slow moving items etc.

The store management system software keeps the following in track:

The minimum and maximum quantity of goods that need to be maintained in the warehouse by the store management software.

Is centralized and in accordance with all departments of any organization.

When the store warehouse receives an approved requisition for goods/ resources to be purchased; the department is on the lookout for a vendor. Vendors send their quotation slips to the Institution.

Staff from any department can request for any goods or service for educational or maintenance purpose. If for instance, the chemistry teacher is out of a few acids in the Laboratory, He/She can inform the store department about the same and can later seek authority for it from the Head of department.