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Overwhelmingly for manufacturers Industry, it comes down to one significant obstacle: the interoperability of their existing systems with new disruptive technology.

80% of manufacturing leaders have made digital transformation their top strategic objective. But just 1 in 5 feel like their organization is “highly prepared” to successfully execute digital transformation across their operations.

If you’re frustrated with the pace of your digital transformation due to interoperability issues or other factors, Integrado can help. We are a master of industrial integrator for manufacturers looking to accelerate their digital transformation journey, offering a unique and powerful blend of solutions and services .

The result is a fully integrated, scalable technology stack that optimizes your value chain and ensures the seamless flow of consistent, correct and complete data from design through operations.

We’ve helped more than a hundred industrial customers tightly integrate a wide variety of legacy design & engineering and manufacturing and operations systems with the industry’s leading processes, software and analytics capabilities.

Our ERP software is designed in such a way that it proves to be a perfect fit for your manufacturing and Automation department, storage and all those who play a major role in the industry. Depending on the size of your business, either cloud-based .

Hence, Integrado Pvt. Ltd. based ERP software becomes a perfect integration irrespective of the type of industry. It supports every product based industry like manufacturers, engineering project-based company, medical device manufacturers, automobile manufacturers, etc. Intrgrado provide industry specific ERP for SMEs and enterprises in India.